BaRiE - Madrid

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Hello everyone,

It's cycling against Rheumatism again! Interested? Definitely read on!
Are you up for this adventure? Let us know!

Kind regards,
0475 96 62 31


We would like to invite you to join the peloton from Brussels to Madrid this year.
There are still a few places available, and we hope that perhaps some members of the RA League could/would like to fill them?
Here is already a small portion of information:
1. Cycling route
We leave on Thursday 6 June from the Luxembourg Square in Brussels and return to Brussels on Sunday 16 June at the Jubelpark.
Full cycling route see attachment 1
We cycle approximately 70 km every day, with a short stop every 10 km (small supplies - toilet visit), and a longer stop every 20 km (meal).
After each stage of 20 km you can choose to continue cycling, or load your bike and continue the journey by bus (possibly to the next stop).
2. Registration
The selection of the participating patients is done according to certain criteria, and by a team of 4 rheumatologists on the basis of the pathology. 
The participant is therefore asked to request the most recent possible report of his file from his treating rheumatologist and, for reasons of medical confidentiality, to send this to:

dr.Rik Joos - Rheumatology
Bredabaan 646
2170 Merksem
2. Payment
The patient fee is 250 euros (235 euros participation + 15 euros membership fee/insurance).
Any participation of a partner/accompanying person is always possible, but then at the actual cost price of 1,260 euros.

This amount can be deposited into account number 068-250 8353-57 of BaRiE vzw. - Brumierstraat 5 in 8511 Aalbeke.
Dexia bank: IBAN BE09 0682 5083 5357
This price includes everything: insurance, T-shirt every day, hotel accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, bus trip, snacks during the trip.......
Drinks after dinner and free time are of course at your own expense.
3. Practical information
For insurance and checking in at the hotel, the following information is requested:
telephone number / mobile
date of birth
place of birth
ID card number
and please also the size, for the T-shirts, you can choose between Children - Small - Medium - Large - XLarge - XXLarge
The participant can bring his own bike, but can also use one of our tandems or pinos.
All participants are also asked to introduce themselves (preferably with a photo) on our website,
under the E-logbook section there are already some examples, with testimonials about motivation, preparation, expectations ........
On Wednesday 8 May a meeting evening is planned, where all participants can get to know each other,
a power point of the cycle route will also be presented.
We would like to invite you to this evening, perhaps already with some interested parties. ( attachment 2 )
We look forward to a pleasant collaboration.
Kind regards,
tel. 051 / 31 67 15